Undergraduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies

International Correspondence Institute, Australia, is one of over 200 ICI Colleges worldwide that administer Global University programs. The undergraduate programs (Advanced Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Second Degrees) differ mainly in the number of credits required for the program and the use of either 2 or 3-credit subjects. The Advanced Certificates are excellent stepping stones that allow a student to gain a good understanding in a narrow field. They mainly make use of 2-credit subjects and is complete after 6-13 subjects. The degree programs are eclectic, encompassing a broader knowledge base and include about 42 subjects. The same subjects are offered through all the undergraduate programs, so subjects are fully transferrable into the degree level programs should a student wish to use a smaller program as a stepping stone to the degree program. In this case, it is recommended to request doing a 3 credit subject where possible instead of the prescribed 2-credit subject.

The learning material is presented as an independent study-text and contains all the information you require for a 2-credit subject. Many 3-credit subjects require an additional textbook. The undergraduate learning goals are assessed in a Project, Service Learning Requirement and an end-of-course examinations, Three credit subjects also require a Reading Assignment.

Advanced Certificates

Advanced Certificates are collections of degree level subjects. These Certificate programs are ideal for Pastors seeking to further their professional development.

Diploma Programs

We offer 2 undergraduate Diplomas. Full-time these would be a 2-3 year program. Since the subjects are undergraduate level, they are directly transferable into a Bachelor program when you complete them.

Bachelor Degrees

The Undergraduate programs offered in ICI College are Bachelor of Arts degrees requiring 120 credits. For those who already have an Undergraduate Degree, earning a Second Bachelor of Arts requires only a further 50 credits.

B.A. Programs Offered:

B.A. Degree in Bible and Theology 
B.A. Degree in Intercultural Studies
B.A. Degree in Christian education

Learn More about Undergraduate Courses…

Our 2024 Prospectus covers in greater details the options available to study Undergraduate subjects with ICI College Australia and Global University.

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